Monday, January 12, 2009

Rising from the Ashes... How Women Must Reinvent Themselves

I'm new to this social media thing, I'm doing this more for journaling my own progress, not for fame or fortune. I'm a work from home mom who finally decided to take network marketing seriously this year, not just a hobby like it has been for the last 2 years. Any friends and family out there, you can take a deep breath and not worry, I'm not coming after you.

For anyone else who has been to all the seminars and watch the Millionaires on the stage tell their rags-to-riches stories, have you ever wondered what their every-day life was like? They tell you that it was hard and that it was work... But really, what does that mean?

I met a lovely mom this weekend from Toronto, CAN. She has three children and is making a full time income after one year. She told me she had to completely change her brain (thought patterns, etc.) to get where she is and that a lot of days she felt like throwing up it was so uncomfortable.

I think as all women will relate, we have to reinvent ourselves time and time again over our lifetimes. From girl to teenager, to adult, to first career title, to subsequent career titles and promotions and then to the biggest challenge (at least for me) was the "Mommy" title. How do you then GET PAST the Mommy title? It sort of sticks with you, forever... So how do I, as a mommy, reinvent myself to being a Public Speaker and a Relationship Marketing and Direct Mail Consulant?

You'll have to keep reading... I'm writing the story from this day forward. I will be writing about my challenges and my struggles, especially since I consider myself a quiet and introverted person. What is it going to take on a daily basis to become successful? Stick around and find out!

P.S. Oh, and I'll definitely try NOT to throw up on you.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanna,

    Wow, wow, wow! This is so awesome my friend, what an incredible writer you are - hello, you could have told me! You are my hero - oops, heroine! I love this picture - and I am so grateful you were attracted into my life.

    Hugs and smiles,

